Silverstream Community Emergency Hub ready to launch

The Silverstream community is invited to come together to launch Waimakariri's first Community Emergency Hub.

Council has been working with communities throughout the District to established to enable and support communities to plan for and act in the event of a Civil Defence emergency.Silverstream Community Hub Launch

The Community Emergency Hubs will be opened and operated by local residents and will act as the focal point for the community-led response to an emergency.

Emergency Management Officer Paul Cull says Council will equip the Hubs with the essentials so that they can help their communities to respond to emergencies and also maintain connection with the Civil Defence Emergency Management response.

"We’re working with local community groups such as faith communities, residents’ associations, and North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support so that they can prepare their local emergency response plans.

"The idea is that we create communities that can be self-sufficient in those first few hours or days of an adverse event, so they're better prepared."

The Silverstream Community Emergency Hub is launching this Saturday, 7 October from 11am to 12:30 pm and the community is invited to come along to find out more and grab a complimentary sausage from the BBQ.

If you're interested in getting involved in your local Community Emergency Hub get in touch at