Heavy Rain Watch and Heavy Snow Warning

Winter weather is back! The MetService has issued a Heavy Rain Watch for all of the District and a Heavy Snow Warning for Cust, Oxford and the high country.

Stay up to date with the weather

Temperatures will remain low until about mid next week. Keep up to date with the MetService website.

Advice for drivers
  • Always drive to the conditions. If unsure, reduce your speed
  • Allow greater following distances on frosty and wet days
  • Be prepared for any delays – dress for the conditions, have warm blankets, bottled water etc
  • Obey emergency road closed signs and barriers
  • Follow the directions of any road patrol or police officer
  • If you're expecting snow, keep snow-chains in your vehicle.
  • All fords are closed, except for Two Chain Rd
  • And finally, avoid towing in icy conditions.
The risk of flooding is low. However, if you do experience localised flooding please remember
  • If it's flooded - forget it!
  • Stay home in adverse conditions where possible
  • Clean out gutters and drains before the weather changes
  • Prepare sandbags if your home is prone to flooding.

Power outages
There is a low risk of damage to the power network.

How to report an issue

You can report issues throughout the day to us quickly and easily via our website.

If your query is urgent please call us on 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV).