Let's Talk About Waikuku Fire Station Lease

The Waikuku Fire Brigade has occupied an area of Recreation Reserve on Waikuku Domain for many decades.

In 2017 responsibility for Fire Brigades transferred to the newly created Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ). As a result, where Brigades were located on Council Recreation Reserve Land, Council was required to issue a formal lease to Fire and Emergency.

Since then, Fire and Emergency have developed a strategic plan for all their properties, including those leased from District Councils.

Part of this includes a policy that all personnel are to have a ‘shower within the hour’ of an incident so they can decontaminate and therefore, not take contaminants or carcinogens with them into their vehicles, homes or workplaces.

To achieve this, Fire and Emergency are continuing to try and improve some below acceptable level stations which don’t even have the basic facilities of running water, hot water, hand basin, toilet, shower, or any decontamination facilities.

To meet these Health and Safety requirements, the basic amenities at Waikuku Fire Station need to be upgraded.

Fire and Emergency are proposing to install an accessible Portacom ablutions block containing two toilets, two showers and a decontamination bench. Detailed plans can be viewed here.

This will be accompanied by a portacom adjacent, which will be used by the team as their training and meeting room with a small internal office.

To enable this Fire and Emergency have requested a small addition to the existing area of land they lease. The land sits in between the current Fire Service Leased area and the Waikuku Campground.

The land Fire and Emergency lease from Council is Recreation Reserve, managed under the Reserves Act 1977, and therefore Council is required to seek community views on any changes.

We want to know if you agree with Council updating our current lease with Fire and Emergency to include the additional parcel of land.

Have your say online before 5pm, Friday 18 August 2023.