Helping the Recovery from Cyclone Gabrielle

This content has been archived and has not been updated since it was last published.

The devastation following Cyclone Gabrielle has rekindled Cantabrians memories of the aftermath of natural disasters, resulting in an overwhelming desire to pitch in and help says Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon.

“In Canterbury we have a unique understanding of the difficulty, suffering, hopelessness, and slow journey to recovery that so many communities across New Zealand are now facing following this disaster.

“We know that recovering from a disaster like this takes a long time – we’ve recently passed 12 years since the Canterbury earthquakes – and while we’ve made great progress there is still a lot of work to do,” says Mayor Gordon.

The Waimakariri Council and District are helping the recovery efforts in several ways.

An Initial Donation

“We remember the generosity that we received from across New Zealand when our community was in need following the earthquakes.”

This week the Council agreed to an initial donation of $20,000. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor will determine how this will be distributed across Mayoral Relief Funds to affected communities.

Adopt a Community

The Council has joined a LGNZ (Local Government NZ) programme called ‘Adopt a Community’ where support is targeted through Mayoral Relief Funds to those at the most need.

Waimakariri District has been paired with Wairoa. This community sits between Napier and Gisborne and have suffered similar damage. The effects of the cyclone here have been described as it ‘having swallowed half the town’.

The best way to support Wairoa is through donations to their Mayoral Relief Fund.

Civil Defence Support

‘Boots on the ground’ support through our Civil Defence staff and volunteers has been occurring since the Cyclone first hit Auckland:

  • A team of building inspectors have been deployed to Auckland to inspect flooded property
  • Civil Defence staff have been rostered in the welfare and planning functions in the Auckland Emergency Operations Centre
  • Seven members of Waimakariri Response Team (NZRT12) have been deployed to Auckland. You can find out about their deployment here
  • Staff have volunteered to be stationed in other affected areas over the coming months as the response moved into recovery. They will be deployed when required by the National Emergency Management Agency.

“It’s important that we do our bit and help out fellow New Zealanders who are dealing with such unprecedented tragedy,” says Mayor Gordon. “I know the Waimakariri community care deeply and will continue to find ways to support our friends in the North Island through the long, difficult journey that is recovery.”