Organics Bin
Please note that there is a 70kg weight restriction on your organics bin.
Please do not put garden or food waste in plastic, compostable or biodegradable bags.
Download the Organics Brochure
- Garden waste, prunings, branches, leaves, grass clippings and weeds
- Food waste such as bread, dairy products, fruit, fish, vegetables, meats and bones
- Coffee grinds and loose tea leaves
- Rocks, stones, gravel
- Clay or topsoil
- Compostable or biodegradable bags or packaging
- Flax or cabbage tree leaves
- Bamboo
- Noxious plants or weeds
- Plastic bags, food wrap, containers or pot plants
- Timber, sawdust or ash
- Animal waste or dead animals
- Glass, metal, stones or bricks
- Cardboard and paper (no pizza boxes, shredded paper, serviettes, paper towels, etc.)
- Tea bags and coffee bags

Recycling Bin
There is a 70kg weight restriction on your recycling bin. If it exceeds this, it may not get collected.
Continued contamination of the recycling bin may result in the withdrawal of the service.
Download the Recycling Brochure
- Rigid plastic household bottles and containers plastic types 1, 2 and 5 (without lids and no smaller than a yoghurt pottle or larger than four litres)
- Clean, flat cardboard
- Aluminium cans
- Metal tins
- Glass bottles and jars without lids
- Clean, flat mixed paper (no smaller than a standard office envelope i.e., 225 mm x 115 mm)
Please make sure items are loose in the bin, not in bags.
- Plastic types 3, 4, 6 or 7
- Plastic film, wrappers, shopping bags or any soft plastic
- Small yoghurt pottles or anything smaller regardless of the plastic type
- Plastic type 5 containers that have contained agricultural or toxic chemicals or engine oil
- Non-rigid plastics of any plastic type (like biscuit or sushi trays)
- Liquid cartons or Tetra Pak
- Shredded paper or paper items smaller than an envelope
- Window glass, perfume bottles
- Compostable or biodegradable packaging
- Takeaway cups
- Any lids from containers, bottles or jars.
- Liquids or food
- Polystyrene
- Foil or other metals (e.g. aluminium pans)
- Window glass or light bulbs
- Clothes, shoes or toys
- Batteries of any kind (household quantities can be dropped at the transfer station for free)
- Any pot plant containers, regardless of the plastic type (these can be dropped at the Southbrook Resource Recovery Park for free)
- Containers larger than four litres
- Aerosols or spray cans (these can be dropped at the Southbrook Resource Recovery Park for free)
- Soft plastics (anything made of plastic that can be scrunched into a ball). See locations in Waimakariri where you can recycle your soft plastics under the Soft Plastics Recycling Scheme.

Rubbish Bin
Please note that there is a 70kg weight restriction on your rubbish bin, and a 15kg limit for Council bags.
Download the Rubbish Brochure
- General household waste
- Plastic types 3, 4, 6 and 7
- All soft plastic including biscuit trays, shopping bags and wrappers
- Lids from bottles, jars and other containers
- Tetra Pak and liquid cartons like soy, milk, stock or yoghurt cartons
- Non compostable garden waste like cabbage tree and flax leaves
- Small amounts of clay or topsoil
- Old shoes and clothing that can't be donated to a charity or second-hand shop
- Wrapped broken glass or china
- Coloured type 1 plastic containers
- Tea bags and coffee bags
- Serviettes, paper towels and food soiled cardboard
- Compostable or biodegradable packaging
- Explosives and flammable material
- Batteries of any kind
- Automotive products, paints and solvents
- Household cleaners
- Liquid and dry chemicals
- Gas bottles or any form of gas canister
Domestic quantities of household batteries, cleaners, paints and solvents, garden sprays and chemicals, used engine oil and other automotive products and domestic hazardous wastes in general can be dropped off at the transfer stations to be safely disposed of for free.
Find out more about hazardous waste here.