Kā Rori me te Ikiiki

Roads & Transport

Corridor Access Requests (CARs) and Traffic Management Plans (TMPs) are the permits needed  to make sure that activities carried out on the road corridor are as safe as possible for everyone, from  contractors, to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

If an individual or organisation plan any activity on the road, they must submit the appropriate application(s) to the Waimakariri District Council for approval before the activity can start.

The road corridor (road or road reserve) is defined as the area from the private property boundary on one side to the property boundary on the other. This includes the berm (grass verge), footpath and carriageway.

You must check you have the right consents in place if you're developing or building in the District, specifically when your development could impact roads, access and vehicle entryways.

Consideration needs to be given to the requirements of our District Plan, the Resource Management Act and the Building Act. These need to be managed when considering how this work may affect roads, roading plans, activities and services. The impacts of such activities need to be carefully managed  when thinking about services, facilities and other infrastructure requirements.

Driveways between the road and property boundary are generally the responsibility of the property owner. This means the property owner is responsible for any maintenance of this area.

Where a footpath crosses the driveway the Council maintains the footpath. If the driveway is dug up by a utility authority, such as MainPower or Spark, then they are responsible for the repair and reinstatement.

If you wish to construct a new driveway or replace an existing one you need to apply to the Council by completing the Application to Form a Vehicle Crossing form. This form is also available from any Council Service Centre.

Please Note: The Vehicle Crossing location inspection must be approved prior to the Building Consent being granted.

For more information please refer to the Vehicle Crossing Information Pack and the Vehicle Crossing Bylaw 2019, or contact us on 0800 965 468.

Currently, a CAR is only required in the Waimakariri District where the activity is proposing to break ground in the road corridor or has the risk of causing damage to the road corridor. The National Code of Practice for Utility Operators’ Access to the Transport Corridors define the standard for working in the road and the CAR process.

The CAR application process is done online at Submitica and can be completed by a utility operator or a delegated agent.

For a more comprehensive overview of the CAR process, please refer to our Submitica guidance document.

A TMP is required for all activities that change the normal operating conditions of a road, irrespective of where the activity is - on a carriageway, footpath or road shoulder. A TMP may also be needed for activities outside the road reserve if the normal operating conditions of the road are affected.

TMPs must be designed by a suitably qualified person* and must meet the minimum standards outlined in the Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (the CoPTTM).

TMPs can either be submitted with a CAR application in Submitica or via email to roading@wmk.govt.nz

* TMP designers must hold the practising Temporary Traffic Management Planner (TTMP) warrant, or the non-practising Temporary Traffic Management Planner (TTMP-NP) warrant and the TMP is being submitted for assessment purposes, following the guidance provided by Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency).

If you wish to run an event on the road corridor or close to the road corridor in a way that will change the normal operating conditions of the road, you will need to submit a traffic management plan.

Events with a road closure
Where the event proposes a full closure of a road, the event organiser, or their contractor, will need to contact the Council with the proposal a minimum of 60 days before the event. This timeframe allows for the road closure  to be notified in the local paper for public consultation. The Council organises the newspaper advert on behalf of the applicant, with the cost charged directly to the event organiser.

Road closures
All TMPs that involve a full road closure must include a completed road closure application as well a clear reference to static notice boards. Static notice boards must be designed to Waimakariri District Council notice board template and need to be in position 7 days (5 working days) before the activity takes place. This is an additional measure required for events with road closures, on top of newspaper adverts.

Submitting compliant applications with an appropriate lead-time is an important part of making sure an activity goes ahead as planned. While we reference minimum lead-times, we strongly encourage people to plan for longer lead-times. This helps manage any unexpected delays in approvals

The timeframes below are minimum lead/processing times for CAR and TMP applications.

Standard CAR or TMP

5 working days

Project CAR

15 working days

Non-event Road Closure TMP

10 working days**

Event Road Closure TMP

60 days

** This allows for 5 working days to process the TMP and 5 working days to place the static warning signs.

Speed Limits within the Waimakakriri District Council area are included within the ‘National Speed Limit Register’ which is available on NZ Transport Agency’s website.

Here are some handy links that will help you better understand the TMP and CAR requirements. In the next section there are some downloadable resources to assist you with your applications.

Further Information:

If you have any questions about corridor access request or traffic management plan applications, please email the roading team at roading@wmk.govt.nz.

Roading Activities Application Forms

If an individual or organisation plans to undertake an activity on the road, they must submit the appropriate application(s) to the Waimakariri District Council for approval before the activity can start.

The road corridor (road or road reserve) is defined as the area from the private property boundary on one side to the property boundary on the other. This includes the berm (grass verge), footpath and carriageway.

Application for an Overweight Permit
Download PDF File (145.9 KB)
Vehicle Crossing Information Pack
Download PDF File (2.9 MB)
Temporary Road Closure Application Form
Download PDF File (50.8 KB)
Road Space Booking Application Form
Download PDF File (47.5 KB)
Stock Crossing Permit
Download PDF File (25.5 KB)
Stock Movement Permit
Download PDF File (18.5 KB)
Submitica Guidelines for Corridor Access Request
Download PDF File (103.0 KB)
Traffic Management Extension Form
Download MS Word Document (256.3 KB)
Traffic Management Extension Form
Download PDF File (44.9 KB)
Traffic Management Road Level Classifications
Download PDF File (62.1 KB)
Waimakariri District Council Notice Board Template
Download PDF File (1.4 MB)
Last reviewed date: 11 Feb 2025