Stock Pound

Daily Rates

All Horses (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Every Deer (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Every Donkey (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
All Cattle (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
All Sheep (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Every Goat (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
All Pigs (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Every Emu or Ostrich (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Every Llama or Alpaca (per head)
Sustenance ( per head, per day)
Second and subsequent impounding of any stock belonging to the same owner within 12 monthsDouble the Above Fee

Notice to Owner of Impounded Stock

For writing and delivering any notice or sending any notice by postActual Cost
For inserting any notice in one or more newspapers - in addition to the actual cost of insertionActual Cost

Charges for leading, driving or conveying stock

The owner of any stock that is found trespassing, straying, or wandering on any road shall pay to the Council or person having custody of the stock all reasonable costs incurred in leading, driving, or conveying the stock from the place where it is found to the pound or to the place where it is delivered to the owner.

Charges may include:

* Actual staff time involved in leading, driving or conveying stock to a pound (per hour); and

* Where stock is conveyed by any vehicle, the reasonable cost of that conveyance, including the dispatch of the vehicle to the place where the stock is found and the return of the vehicle to the place of dispatch.

The cost of the conveyance may also include the hire of a vehicle and or trailer

Staff time involved in leading, driving or conveying stock to a pound (per hour)$140.00
Travel charged (per kilometre)$0.85
Hire of any vehicle and/or trailer for moving stockActual Cost
Animal Management Contractor or staff call out fee per hour or part thereof$150.00
Minimum charge$55.00
Inspections to investigate nuisance complaints re animals and stock (not dogs) (per hour)$140.00
Last reviewed date: 13 Nov 2024