Section 36(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991 enables the Council to charge a fixed Fee. Section 36(3) allows for additional fees to recover actual costs in cases where the fixed fee is inadequate. Application costs that exceed the fixed fee by 130% may be subject to additional charges at the rates and disbursements set out in the following schedules. For those applications that are processed on a fixed fee, an invoice will be issued at time of application. Processing does not start until this invoice has been paid. All charges below include GST at 15%.
All resource consent applications may be lodged electronically via email to:
The resource Management Planning Fees and Charges Policy has two component fee structures:
- Fixed Fee – A fixed charge payable prior to processing of a resource consent. The fixed fee charge is the full and final cost of processing of the consent application.
- At Cost – At cost processing involves the charging of the actual cost of works that are covered within the Resource Management – Fees and Charges Policy. At Cost processing is accompanied by a deposit paid prior to processing occurring. In accordance with Section 36(5) of the RMA, the applicant is required to pay an additional charge to cover the actual and reasonable cost of items such as printing, advertising, postage, additional reports and commissioners that may be required in the processing of their application.
Council has fixed a formula for charges as provided by section 36(1). With the exception of boundary activities, marginal/temporary activities and land use (minor) fees,the charges are comprised of an initial deposit and then processed on an “at cost” basis. The deposit and fixes and charges are set out below.
For at cost applications, further costs will be invoiced on a time/cost basis. The use of hearings commissioner and external consultants where required till be charged on a full recovery basis according to their hourly rate. Disbursements will be charged on a full recovery basis. At the time of lodging an application the applicant is required to pay the applicable initial fee set out below. They will then be invoiced monthly for other amounts payable under the deposit formula and for any additional charges payable under Section 36(5).
The following schedule of initial fees and charges is effective from 1 July 2024. All charges and initial fees are inclusive of GST and are invoiced after the application has been formally received. After an application has been assessed under s.88 of the RMA, the consent will be officially receipted and a file will be set up. Following completion of the setup of the application, an invoice will be sent. Upon payment of this first invoice, whether it is, whether it is a fixed fee invoice or a deposit invoice on an “At cost” application, processing will occur after the payment has been received by the Council.
Land Use Planning Activity Fee
Non-Notified Land Use Consents
FEES | ||
Boundary Activities and Marginal/Temporary Activities This relates to a setback/recession plane breach from a neighbouring property, Please check with the Duty Planner prior to applying for this type of consent. | Fixed Fee | $550.00 |
Land Use (Minor) Land Use Minor - (includes setback to boundaries, breach of recession plane(s), This land use (Minor) fee includes one monitoring inspection. | Fixed Fee | $1,000.00 |
Land Use (Complex) Land Use Complex (i.e. earthworks, second dwellings, retail activities, | At Cost | $2,500 Deposit |
Related Land Use Consent Fees
FEES | ||
Time extension for land use consent (Section 125) | At Cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Variation of land use consent (section 127) | At Cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Objection to decision of land use consent (Section 357) | No Charge | |
Certificate of Compliance (Section 139) | At Cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Outline Plan (Section 176A) | At Cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Outline Plan Waiver Request | No Charge | |
Existing Use Certificate (Section 139A | Fixed Fee | $1,000.00 |
Pre Hearing Meeting | At cost |
Subdivision Planning Activity Fees
FEES | ||
Subdivision Application For any non-notified subdivision application | At Cost | $5,000.00 Deposit |
Subdivision Application For any subdivision application, by way of a boundary adjustment, undertaken in any zone with NO new lots created (and includes applications to convert cross lease titles to fee simple). | At Cost | $3,000.00 Deposit |
Combined Subdivision & Land Use Application For any non-notified subdivision and land use consent application, | At Cost | $5,500 Deposit |
Notified Subdivision (Public or limited Notification) For any Notified subdivision or land use consent application Note: The notification charge above of $5,000.00 (deposit) is over | At Cost | $5,000.00 Deposit |
Pre hearing meeting | At Cost |
Related Subdivision Consent Matters
FEES | ||
Update of an existing cross-lease plan. | At cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Extension of time for subdivision consent (Section 125). | At cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Variation of subdivision consent (Section 127) and/or s.221 variation to a consent notice. | At cost | $1,000.00 Deposit |
Objection to decisions of subdivision consent (Section 357). | No Charge | |
Preparation & signing of revocation certificate (cancellation of consent notices, amalgamation etc). | Fixed Fee | $400.00 |
Preparation & signing of other certificates (i.e.: s.239, s.243) | Fixed Fee | $400.00 |
Additional s.223 certification (as in staged subdivisions) or re-certification of any certificated s.223 plans. | Fixed Fee | $400.00 |
Additional s.224(c) certificates (as in staged subdivisions) or re-certification of previously signed s.224(c) Certificates. | Fixed Fee | $400.00 |
Preparation & signing of first s.221 consent notice | Fixed Fee | $95.00 |
Preparation & signing of all subsequent s.221 consent notices (per notice) | Fixed Fee | $55.00 |
Documents for execution by Council and not listed above (including all A & I Instrument signing, easement documentation, link strip agreements etc) | Fixed Fee | $400.00 |
Policy for Uncompleted Subdivision Works and Maintenance Bonds
FEES | ||
Bond Administration Fee (Fee will be actual and reasonable cost of administration) | $25.00 Minimum | |
Discharge or partial discharge of each caveat or bond | At cost | |
Property Numbering Charge | Fixed Fee | $100.00 |
Plus fee for each additional lot thereafter. (NOTE: this fee is invoiced after s.223 plan has been signed) | Cost per lot | $6.00 |
Planning - Other Legislation
FEES | ||
s.348 - Right of way approval consent application (when not part of subdivision). This fee includes the signing of the certificate on Landonline. | Fixed Fee | $1,000.00 |
Designations/Plan Changes
For Designations and Plan Charges (privately initiated) following payment of the relevant deposit, the Council will invoice for the additional charges at cost on a monthly basis and may stop work on the application until such time as the relevant invoices has been paid.
FEES | ||
Plan Changes (deposit then additional charges at cost) | At Cost | $10,000.00 Deposit |
Notice of Requirement for designations | At Cost | |
Extension for alteration to a Designation | At Cost |
Additional Charges & Hourly Rates
Processing of any land use or subdivision application, and any additional charges applying to any other planning application listed above and to pre-application advice and consent monitoring, will be charged as per the following rates:
FEES | |
Unit Manager and Reporting Officers – per hour | $198.00 |
Administration Officers (clerical support) – per hour | $123.00 |
Compliance & Enforcement Officers – per hour | $198.00 |
Other Council staff (i.e. Traffic engineers) | $198.00 |
External reports and peer reviews, commissioned by the Council (i.e. traffic engineering, urban design, noise assessments). | At Cost |
Commissioner’s hearing related costs | At Cost |
FEES | |
Postage / courier costs | At Cost |
Photocopying and/or printing (per A4 copy) | At Cost |
Public Notices (newspaper advertisements) | At Cost |
Scanning | At Cost |
Site Visits (time and mileage) | At Cost |
Hearing related charges | At Cost |
Consent Monitoring
Note: The land use (minor) fee includes one monitoring charge. (If more than one inspection is required, this will be invoiced on an at-cost basis at the time of the second inspection).
The land use (complex) monitoring inspection will be an additional charge.
FEES | |
Resource Consent Monitoring Site inspection | At Cost |
RMA Investigation/Enforcement | At Cost |
Requests for Reduction of Fees
In special circumstances, applicants may request a fee waiver from the Facilities and Consents Fee Waiver Sub Committee.
Any such request shall be made in writing on the appropriate application form and will be considered by
the Facilities and Consents Fee Waiver Sub Committee.
Additional Invoicing
For any Resource Consent officially received by the Council, and then withdrawn by the applicant, the Council will charge for the time spent setting up and/or processing the consent to the stage of it being withdrawn. This will be charged at the hourly rate set out in this schedule.