Woodstock Quarries appeal

Members of the Oxford Community have been seeking an update on the Woodstock Quarries content.

Current status: The decision to decline the applications has been appealed to the Environment Court.

The Environment Court website contains information about joining an appeal - https://www.environmentcourt.govt.nz/court-process/get-involved/

The Environment Guide website contains information about the process for people who are interested in getting involved -  https://www.environmentguide.org.nz/rma/environment-court/becoming-a-party-to-proceedings/

The Oxford Ohoka Community Board is holding a public meeting on Monday 29 July at 6.30pm in the Oxford Town Hall to answer any questions residents might have about the process of the consent application and appeal.

Information about the Quarry consent up to the point of the appeal to the Environment Court is available on Environment Canterbury's (ECan) website.