Kaiapoi Bridge Upgrade Brought Forward

The iconic bridge on Williams Street in Kaiapoi is set for an upgrade thanks to a generous local.

Council staff have been investigating options to replace the balustrade after an engineering assessment found the barriers were no longer fit for purpose.

Given the significant investment required to complete the bridge upgrade, Council had budgeted for the work to be undertaken in 2027/28 as part of the 2024-34 Long Term Plan, however a generous bequeath has made the project possible now.

Mr Harry Harper, a Kaiapoi local, dedicated much of his life to community service, with his parting gift to his beloved community being a significant donation in his estate towards a project in the vicinity of Charles and Williams Street.

The Harper Family have agreed to the bequeathed funds being put towards the restoration and upgrade of the bridge.

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says the bridge will be a lasting testament to Harry’s memory and his generous spirit.

“Our profound thanks and appreciation go out to him and his family.

“I knew Harry very well. His dedication to the community will live on through the many causes he has supported over the years, and we are honoured to be able to facilitate another act of quiet generosity on his behalf.”

“Harry dedicated his life to Kaiapoi, so this project would make him very happy because most days his walk would take him over this bridge,” explains Harry’s brother, Ray.

Mayor Gordon says representatives from the family Ray and Ann Harper will join the Community Advisory Group to input into the design.

“We’re very appreciative to the Harper Family for their ongoing contribution and ensuring we do justice to Harry’s memory.”

The upgrade will include an architectural laser cut stainless steel handrail and infill panels, incorporating cut out design motifs. The stainless-steel infill panels require little maintenance and are stronger, giving more flexibility for panel design.

This plan will see the existing concrete pillars and lamp posts retained and refurbished.

“Council staff will be working closely with the Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board, Waimakariri Public Arts Trust and project Community Advisory Group to develop a design for the panels that will represent the unique history and narrative of Kaiapoi.”

A design brief for the stainless-steel panels will now be prepared by the Advisory Group for the Public Arts Trust, with the final design to be approved by the Advisory Group and the Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board.

An update to the community on the final design and timeline for the construction works will be communicated in due course.

Photo: Ann and Ray Harper, Deputy Mayor Neville Atkinson, Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board Chairperson Jackie Watson, Councillor Philip Redmond, and Mayor Dan Gordon.