Volunteer expo returns in 2025

The Waimakariri Volunteer Expo returns in March with three dates locked in for Rangiora, Kaiapoi and Woodend.

The expo is a chance for anyone interested in volunteering to meet with community organisations and learn about what volunteer opportunities might best suit their skills and interest.

Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) are one of the many community groups returning to the expo in 2025.

After last year’s success, BBBS North Canterbury Manager Ellie Le Gros says she is looking forward to connecting with potential mentors who are eager to support Waimakariri’s young people.

"The Waimakariri Volunteer Expos gave us a fantastic opportunity to meet people who genuinely want to give back to their community. It was inspiring to see so many locals interested in volunteering, and we were thrilled to recruit several new mentors who are now making a real difference in our young people's lives."

Waimakariri Civil Defence Emergency Management team were also able to grow their pool of trained civil defence volunteers in 2024, with the expo attributing a 10 per cent increase on the year before.

Emergency Management Advisor Dean Eades said volunteers in any form bring so much to the community they are from.

“They utilise their skills and knowledge gained from a lifetime of experience to assist others, often without seeking acknowledgement.”

The available volunteering roles are many and varied, some examples include:

  • Providing companionship or mentoring
  • Cooking a community meal
  • Working in an op shop
  • Gardening working bees
  • Reception or admin work
  • Driving people to medical appointments
  • Assisting with civil emergencies
  • Volunteer fire brigade.

Waimakariri Volunteer Expo dates:

Friday 7 March – Rangiora RSA 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Saturday 15 March – Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre 10am – 12pm
Friday 21 March - Woodend Community Centre 5:30pm – 7:30pm

If you would like to be involved, please contact:

Aimee Claassens
Community Development Facilitator

Some of the organisations from the 2024 Volunteer Expos