Take a Wellness Retreat in the Heart of Rangiora

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (23 – 29 September) and this year’s theme is Community is... what we create together.

The Mental Health Foundation says that “community looks different for everyone —  that's the beauty of it.” This year they’re encouraging everyone to connect with others to create something together.

In that spirit, Council has created a slice of wellness in our very own Matawai Park in Rangiora. Matawai Park, located on King Street, is a tranquil setting in the middle of suburbia and the perfect place to focus on your wellbeing.

Wellbeing is about how we feel, and how we function day-to-day, and it’s important that we take time out from our busy lives to reconnect with ourselves.

To help, we’ve created a wellness trail which features six wellbeing stations inside the park. Each station encourages you to try an exercise designed to help regulate the nervous system by being present in the moment.

The simple activities like breathing slowly, relaxing the eyes and noticing our surroundings can all have extremely positive benefits including reducing stress, promoting relaxation and even increasing life satisfaction overall – and all in less than five minutes per exercise!

So if you’re in Rangiora, why not step out of the office and take a wellness walk through Matawai Park?

Mental Health Awareness Week information