Parking penalties to increase

From 1 October, Waimakariri District Council will be applying increased parking penalties set by the Government.

The inflation increases will apply to a range of parking infringement and towage fees that have not been updated in twenty years. The biggest increase will be for people misusing mobility car parks, where the fine will increase from $150 to $750.

Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston said, “The penalty for abusing mobility parking in New Zealand is far too low compared to other countries, like Australia. Increasing this will send a very clear message that this behaviour is not okay, and our Government is serious about addressing accessibility issues.”

Drivers that need to use mobility car parks due to a medical condition or disability can apply for a mobility parking permit through CCS Disability Action. Drivers will need to meet certain criteria.

In Waimakariri, the most common parking offence is exceeding the time limit in a restricted area. Where someone would normally receive a ticket ranging from $12 to $57, from October, they will now be charged between $20 and $97 depending on how long they’ve exceeded the time limit.

Towage and impoundment fees are also increasing as they are no longer covering operators’ costs.

Environmental Services Manager Billy Charlton says parking restrictions and compliance monitoring are an important part of creating a vibrant community.

“The increase to infringements supports Council to keep monitoring our restricted parking spaces. The continued movement of vehicles is important for our businesses as well as giving all of us a fair chance to park close to the amenities that we enjoy within our town centres.”

Most parking infringement fees were set in 2004. The Government’s changes apply a Consumer Price Index (CPI) increase to parking infringement fees, resulting in around a 70 percent increase.

Below is the list of common offences

OffenceCurrent chargeFrom 1 October
Exceeding time limit in the time restricted area:  
 Not more than 30 minutes$12$20
 Between 30 minutes and 1 hour$15$25
 Between 1 hour and 2 hours$21$36
 Between 2 hours and 4 hours$30$51
 Between 4 hours and 6 hours$42$71
 More than 6 hours$57$97
Parked in an area of broken yellow lines$60$100
Parked obstructing vehicles entrance$40$70
Parked on footpath or cycle path$40$70
Incorrect kerb parking (Facing wrong way)$40$70
Parked in area reserved for disabled persons$150$750
Parked on grass berm in residential area – WDC Parking Bylaw 2019$40$70
No evidence of current vehicle inspection (WOF) – private vehicle$200$200
No evidence of current vehicle inspection (COF) – commercial/heavy vehicle$600$600
Licensing and registration related offences$200$200