Pines Beach Playground Headed for Higher Ground

Work will commence on Thursday 4 July to relocate the Pines Beach playground from its current location to the south-eastern side of the Oval on Batten Grove.

Consultation was undertaken with the Pines Beach community in October last year with the majority of residents supporting the proposal to relocate the playground.

As a result of the Canterbury Earthquakes, play equipment at Pines Oval was damaged and removed and a new playground was installed in 2012 at the Northern Batten Grove / Kay Avenue corner of Pines Oval.

Despite numerous attempts to improve drainage, the playground has ongoing flooding issues making it unusable for much of the year and raising concerns around health and safety.

Pines Oval was surveyed prior to consultation to identify areas of higher ground that would be suitable for the playground relocation, with the south-eastern side deemed the most appropriate due to the ground quality and proximity to other amenities.

The existing play equipment will be moved in early July to its new home and a crusher dust footpath with ramped accessible path with connect the playground with the skate park and Pines Beach Hall.

The height of the play equipment will be raised to further reduce the future risk of the playground being unusable during periods of flooding.

The bench seat and litter bin will also be relocated to the new location and a new accessible picnic table added.

The playground will be out of action during this time and access within the reserve may be restricted. Temporary traffic control and site safety measures will be installed to ensure there is no risk of the public entering site. Traffic signs and cones will be installed at site entrances and project signs will be installed to warn the public entering towards the work areas of truck movements in and out of the worksite.