Drinking? Don't drive. It’s time to get our heads around it.

We’re continuing to get behind the wheel after drinking, with alcohol being a major factor contributing to deaths and serious injuries crashes in North Canterbury.

Most vehicle deaths and serious injuries in the region occurred on major rural roads and alcohol was a factor in almost 30% of these incidents.

In response, NZ Police, NZTA and partners, including Waimakariri District Council are coming together this June to collectively target people in Canterbury who continue to think it’s ok to drink and then drive.

People will be reminded of the consequences through education and advertising, backed up on the ground by Police vehicle checks, enforcement and driver education.Drink Driving Campaign Image

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon says as a community we don’t tolerate drink driving.

“Together, we need to shift our attitudes and behaviours away from ‘I’ll just have one or two’.

“After any alcohol, no matter how little, we should be reconsidering whether getting behind the wheel is the best idea.”

Drink driving has a significant impact not only on the driver themselves, but on passengers and people using the road around them. Around 40% of people injured in crashes involving alcohol were not the drink driver behind the wheel.

“For a long time there has been plenty of information available on how to arrange a safer ride home. There’s just no excuse now. This June, Waimakariri District Council is joining forces with road safety partners to target people who continue to drink and drive and put us all at risk.”

Find out more to keep yourself and others safe, because there's more to lose than your licence: nzta.govt.nz/drinking-dont-drive