Let's Talk about the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS)

The Council has developed a draft Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS). And now we want to know your thoughts!

This strategic document sets out how we will manage our transport and mobility needs towards 2035 and beyond.

Transport is a major contributor to how our District and people function, intersect and connect with each other and the wider region. An ITS establishes the future direction for investment in the transport system while aligning with wider priorities and policy direction.

Our vision is that “It is safe, easy and sustainable to journey to where we want to go.”

Our draft Strategy is proposing five Key Moves that respond to our challenges and drivers:

  1. Create a well-connected multi-modal District
  2. Integrate land use and transport to underpin higher density living in urban areas
  3. Design the transport network for the efficient movement of freight
  4. Deliver a safe transport system for everyone
  5. Achieve travel behaviour change

For more information on these Key Moves, take a look at the draft Strategy

The draft Strategy is for the community to comment on; please provide your feedback by 1 October 2023.