Council Mourns the Passing of Michael Blackwell

This content has been archived and has not been updated since it was last published.

Kaiapoi and Community stalwart Michael Blackwell sadly passed away Wednesday evening. While he had been unwell for some time the news still comes as a shock.

Michael made a huge contribution to Kaiapoi and the Waimakariri community. Especially through the iconic Blackwells Department Store, his role with Waimakariri Water Zone Committee, passion for the environment, and contribution to the community.

Last year Andrew (centre) and Michael Blackwell (right) were jointly acknowledged with a special business award at the Community Service Awards on behalf of the Blackwell Family for 150 years’ service to business and the community.

"Michael was instrumental in lobbying for Councils recent purchase of Lineside Road property that has significant potential to better the water quality of the Kaiapoi River. I personally received a call from Michael who was unwell in hospital…this didn’t deter him advocating strongly," says Mayor Dan Gordon.

He was personally delighted to learn that Council recently confirmed the purchase and I understand from Andrew that he considered the Council acquiring this block his biggest victory.

"Waimakariri is a better place for Michael’s involvement. I have extended the Councils condolences to the Blackwell family."

The flag on Council buildings will be lowered to half-mast on the day of Michael’s memorial service as a mark of respect for him.