Heavy Rain Watch for Waimakariri

This content has been archived and has not been updated since it was last published.

20 March 2023

We expect rain will start at around lunchtime and will persist until early on Wednesday morning bringing totals of 13 to 15mm with intensities of 1 or 2 mm / hr.

Tomorrow afternoon  average windspeeds will be around 40 km/hr with gusts up to 75 km/hr - which is starting to get to the strength that could bring branches down from trees.

Please remember:

- If it's flooded - forget it!

- Stay home in extremely adverse conditions where possible

- If you need to travel please drive to the conditions

All fords remain closed and some individual roads remain closed too. Drivers should expect surface flooding and drive accordingly

- Clean out gutters and drains

- Prepare sandbags if your home is prone to flooding

Keep up to date with the MetService website.

Road closures

Keep an eye out on road closures here. All Fords are still closed.

Power outages

There is a moderate risk of damage to the power network.

At present all planned work is going ahead, however this will be reviewed as required and communications will be sent accordingly.

If you're affected visit  - https://mainpower.co.nz/no-power
You can see a map view of power outages here - https://outages.mainpower.co.nz/

How to report an issue

You can report issues throughout the day to us quickly and easily via our website.

If your query is urgent please call us on 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV).