In addition to the short term actions, we are developing a longer term strategy for managing traffic flow, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, access to business and residents, public transport and cycling.
Rangiora Eastern Link
The Council has planned for a future road connection with a shared path from Lineside Road through to Northbrook Road.
We have consulted on the Rangiora Eastern Link as part of the Long Term Plan 2024-34.
This ‘Rangiora Eastern Link’ road would help reduce congestion through Southbrook, provide an alternate link to State Highway 1, and further enable housing and business growth to the east of Rangiora — which is anticipated in our District Plan.
A lot of detailed planning still to be carried out, but Council has budgeted the work over the next six years with the plan of opening the link in 2030.
However, Council's preferred option is only to proceed if Waka Kotahi | NZTA funding is received, and this won't be clear until later this year.
The bridge replacement is scheduled to be completed 2027/28.
At this stage the prospect of receiving a subsidy from Waka Kotahi | NZTA is still very uncertain, and detailed planning hasn't yet commenced.
West Rangiora Route Improvements
There improvements are intended to provide alternative routes for western Rangiora traffic.
The Council has a number of projects planned over the next ten years including:
- Fernside/Todds intersection – 2024/25
- Widen Townsend culvert – 2024/25
- Lehmans/Johns intersection – 2029/30
- Fernside/Townsend intersection – 2030/31
- Fernside/Easterbrook – 2033/34
- Widen Lehmans/Fernside/Flaxton/Skewbridge – 13 projects over 10 years
Rangiora-Woodend Road / State Highway 1 Route
This is a potentially attractive route for the increased growth to the east.
Council is looking at options to improve the Rangiora-Woodend Road, Boys Road and Tuahiwi Road intersection, but there are a lot of complexities.
Further improvements at the Rangiora-Woodend Road / SH1 and Woodend Road / SH1 Intersections have been discussed but are still dependent on wider discussions and funding discussions.
Railway Road, Station Road and Marsh Road Intersection
Council had originally planned an intersection improvement as part of Rangiora Town Cycleway, however the cycleway has now had its funding pulled.
The work is now budgeted for 2032/33.
Park and Ride Facilities
We've seen an increase in the use of park and ride facilities.
Improvements to Rangiora park and ride facilities are scheduled for 2027-29 and we're planning for a Ravenswood park and ride facility to open in 2029/30.
Environment Canterbury is also budgeting for an increase in bus services in these areas.