Biodiversity Contestable Funds

We have two biodiversity/ environmental funds available to encourage and support landowners, members of the community and groups to enhance and restore our district's native biodiversity.

Biodiversity Contestable Fund

The Biodiversity Contestable Fund is now taking applications. Please read the below information and complete the application form. Applications are open from 1 March to 30 April 2025.

The purpose of the fund is to support people with the protection, maintenance and restoration of indigenous biodiversity.

First priority will be given to work protecting and restoring significant natural areas (SNA) listed in the District Plan (DP) and establishing covenants. Remaining funds will be allocated to projects restoring nature outside significant natural areas.

The fund is a contestable fund which is assessed and approved twice a year by the Council’s District Planning and Regulation Committee. Council staff, with expert advice where necessary, will make recommendations to the Committee.

There is a variable amount available in this Fund, it will be distributed among the successful applicants. If there are no other applications or appropriate projects, the fund may not necessarily be distributed either in whole or in part.

Who Can Apply?

The fund is open to individuals or groups for projects protecting, maintaining, restoring, or recreating areas of significant indigenous biodiversity in the Waimakariri District.

The Fund is not available:
(i) For work that there is a legal obligation to do;
(ii) To compensate for work already done. It is intended to assist with the cost of future work; and
(iii) For beautification projects, or to support those driven primarily for financial gain.

Funding Criteria

Applications will be assessed on merit based on criteria listed below:

  1. Representativeness: Does the project/activity support biodiversity which is representative, typical or characteristic of the area?
  2. Rarity/Distinctness: Does the project/activity include species which are rare, listed as threatened or those which are at the distribution limit, of restrictive occurrence or rare ecosystem (see DP for description)?
  3. Connectivity: Will the project/activity provide or support linkages for species to other important habitats in the area?
  4. Protection: Is the area protected from future development and degradation (i.e. covenanted, mapped as an SNA)? Is the landowner willing to protect the plantings through a management agreement?
  5. Size: Does the project site cover an area larger than 0.1ha?
  6. Partnerships and Collaborations: Does the project involve a collaboration of interested organisations,
    stakeholders and communities?

How to Apply

The Biodiversity Contestable Fund will be open for applications twice per year and funding rounds will be advertised. Applications can be made by sending a completed copy of the Biodiversity Contestable Fund Application Form to

For more information or to discuss your application with a member of our team prior to submitting, please contact us via email on or phone our customer services team on 0800 965 468 and ask to talk to a member of the Council biodiversity team.

Biodiversity Contestable Fund - Community Organisations

The Biodiversity Contestable Fund - Community Organisations is now taking applications.   Please read the below information and complete the application form. Applications close 30 April 2025.

The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to community groups working to protect, maintain and enhance biodiversity and ecological values in the Waimakariri District. The fund was established through the Waimakariri Natural Environment Strategy as adopted by the Council in 2024. To read the relevant strategy documents, please visit or click the links below:

The fund is contestable and open for applications once a year by the Council’s Community and Recreation Committee. Applications are assessed by in-house experts who make recommendations to the Committee.  There is $10,000 (excluding GST) available for allocation to successful applicants each year which can be used for operational (such as wages to fund staff and overheads) or capital expenditure (funding for events, equipment for projects etc).

Who Can Apply?

The fund is only open to community groups working in the Waimakariri District to implement goals outlined in the Waimakariri Natural Environment Strategy.

Criteria for the allocation of the funds are:

  1. The community organisation must be a legal entity, such as an incorporated society or charitable trust.
  2. The organisational vision and proposed projects must align with the Waimakariri Natural Environment Strategy and be specifically linked to actions outlined in the Waimakariri Natural Environment Strategy Implementation Plan.
  3. Where capital funding is sought, projects must align with actions set out in the Implementation Plan.
  4. Where operational funding is sought, the community organisation must be able to provide community engagement support and education/advice to Waimakariri District landowners for indigenous biodiversity projects.

Funding is not available:

(i) For work that there is a legal obligation to do;

(ii) To compensate for work already done. It is intended to assist with the cost of future work; and

(iii) For beautification projects, or to support those driven primarily for financial gain.

Funding rounds will be opened annually and allocated for a 12-month period. A report detailing the use of the funds will be required at the end of the funding period.

How to Apply

Applications will be accepted up until the closing date. Posted applications must arrive by the closing date. Funding rounds will be advertised. Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.

Applications from community organisations can be made by sending a completed copy of the Biodiversity Contestable Fund Application Form to:

Email:, or

Waimakariri Biodiversity Contestable Fund – Community Organisations
Waimakariri District Council
Private Bag 1005
Rangiora 7440

The application must be a signed original of this application form. Applicants are encouraged to attach supporting documents, such as trust deeds, annual reports, strategic plans, or work programmes.

Applications without any supporting documents will still be considered, but applicants may be asked for more information.

For more information or to discuss your application with a member of our team prior to submitting, please contact us via email on or phone our customer services team on 0800 965 468 and ask to talk to a member of the Council biodiversity team.

Terms and conditions

  1. Funds are to be used for organisational support of the recipient community organisation.
  2. Unless prior arrangements are made, grants must be spent within one year of the awarding of the grant.
  3. Approval of funding may be subject to conditions.
  4. All decisions will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  5. The Council’s Community and Recreation Committee may wish to request additional information prior to making a decision.
  6. The fund recipients will be required to make an annual progress report on the spend, potentially with a presentation to the Council.
Last reviewed date: 20 Mar 2025