Planning Officers Memos to the Commissioners

Request for Extension - Reply Report- 12A Pegasus Resort Rezoning SPZ(PR) - Memo to Panel [26 June 2024]
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Memo on Expert Availability for Hearings Stream 12D Ohoka [6 June 2024]
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Memorandum to Hearings Panel on Economist Conferencing [8 May 2024]
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Memorandum to Proposed District Plan IHP regarding Stream 12E Arrangements and new Stream 12F
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Memo to Proposed District Plan Hearing Panel Regarding Stream 12D Witness Availability Hugh Nicholson [18 APRIL 2024]
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Council Response to Minute 16 Updates S42A Report Stream 5 Transport Andrew McLennan [8 March 2024]
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Memorandum to Commissioners on Request Time Extensions for 60 Day Evidence
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Memorandum to Commissioners for Consideration of Relocation of Hearing Stream 7
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Response to Commissioners: Clarification of S42A Airport - Appendix A [1 February 2024]
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Response to Minute 16 - Development of Road Width Standards [31 January 2024]
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Response to Minute 16 – Planning Response and s32 Evaluation Andrew Maclennan [31 January 2024]
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Memorandum to Commissioners: Administration Update [24 January 2024]
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Memo to Rezoning Submitters [12 December 2023]
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Primary Strategic Directions Memorandum [8 December 2023]
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Memo to Proposed District Plan Hearing Panel Regarding Stream 9 [1 December 2023]
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Memo on National Environmental Standard on Commercial Forestry [28 November 2023]
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Council Memo to Commissioners in Response to G. & R. Spark Rezoning FUDA Request [24 November 2023]
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Response to Minute 10: The issue of ‘Primacy’ for Strategic Directions and Urban Form and Development [29 September 2023]
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Memo to PDP Hearings Panel regarding giving effect to NPSIB National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity [25 September 2023]
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Memo to Hearings Panel on Response to Panel Minute 9 (Para 8) on NATC-P3 Wording [22 September 2023]
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Memo to Hearings Panel on CE-R2 Wording in Respect of the Coastal Setbacks Issue [22 September 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Addressing the issue of ‘Primacy’ for Strategic Directions and Urban Form and Development [8 September 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Next steps Following Stream 5 Reports [1 September 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Response to Minute 5 Questions and Scope issue [18 August 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Natural Hazards Chapter – Right of Reply Report Due Date [ 17 August 2023]
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Planning Officers Memo in response to Minute 6: Strategic Direction [11 August 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Amended National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land [22 July 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on Integration between EI Chapters and the rest of the Proposed Plan [12 July 2023]
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Memo to Hearing Panel on National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land [30 June 2023]
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Memorandum - Response to Momentum Land Limited [16 June 2022]
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Memo to Commissioners on Scope of Proposed District Plan and Variation 1 [1 June 2023]
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Appendix 1: Submissions on Relevant Residential Zones
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Appendix 2: Submissions on Provisions of the PDP Substituted by Variation 1
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Appendix 3: Submissions in relation to Land that is Now Proposed New Residential Zones in Variation 1
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Appendix 4: AMENDED PDP Submissions Seeking New Residential Zones [updated 18 August 2023]
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Appendix 5: AMENDED IPI Submissions Seeking New Residential Zones [updated 18 August 2023]
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Memo on Proposed Clause 16 Amendments [20 October 2022]
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Last reviewed date: 27 Jun 2024