The general topics covered within Stream 12E are:
- Rangiora
- Kaiapoi
- Woodend
- Variation 1
Information on the rezoning request process and information requirements memo as well as a map showing spatial extent of submissions requesting rezoning is available under Stream 12
- Stream 12E Statement of evidence of Rodney George Yeoman (Economics)
- S42A Report: Officer’s Report: PDP Residential Rezonings
- S32AA Report: Plan Enabled Capacity Assessment [Downloadable]
- Stream 12E Stokes WDC GHG Evidence Review
- Questions from the Hearing Panel regarding S42A Report
- Supplementary Evidence of R. & U. Hack in Response to Officer Report
- Supplementary Evidence: North Kaiapoi Greenhouse Gas Emission Evidence Review
- S42A Author Response to Panel Questions: Maps: Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Woodend and Variation 1
- Speaking Notes for Particular Legal Issues Arising in Hearing Stream 12E
- s42A Residential Rezonings Summary Table
- Council Officer’s Final Right of Residential Rezonings (Hearing 12E), PDP and V1 rezonings
- Annexure 1: Spark Planning JWS Agreed Provisions for GIZ Precinct
- Annexure 1A: Spark Planning JWS Agreed Amendments to Narrative Block C
- Annexure 2: Spark Planning JWS Agreed Provisions Rossburn Events Centre Northbrook Museum, Chapel
- Annexure 3: Spark Planning JWS Agreed Amendments to Narrative Blocks A and B
- Annexure 4: Spark Planning JWS Block C Additional S32 Evaluation of zoning options Block C Final
- Statement of Hobson and Whimp before the Independent Hearing Commissioners in Christchurch
- Statement – Bellgrove North and Bellgrove South [2 December 2024]
- Joint Witness Statement - Urban Design - Specific to Richard and Geoff Spark Rezoning Request and Outline Development Plan
- Joint Witness Statement - Planning - Specific to Richard and Geoff Spark Outline Development Plan and Other Planning Provisions
- Joint Witness Statement - Transport- Specific to Richard and Geoff Spark Outline Development PlanJoint Witness Statement of B and A Stokes - Planning
- Joint Witness Statement of B and A Stokes - Stormwater
- Residential Rezonings [Downloadable Spreadsheet]
Hearing Stream 12E (B)
Last reviewed date: 02 Dec 2024