Hearing Stream 12C - Large Lot Residential

The general topics covered within Stream 12C are:

  • Large Lot Residential Zone
  • Large Lot Residential Overlay

Information on the rezoning request process and information requirements memo as well as a map showing spatial extent of submissions requesting rezoning is available under Stream 12.

No results were found


111; 134; 144; 162; 170; 177; 197; 203; 204; 243; 256; 258; 302; 331; 343; 35; 352; 359; 36; 374; 375; 376; 378; 381; 382; 388; 39; 396; 398; 401; 404; 418; 88; 97


San Dona S32AA Planning Assessment Rezoning Submission

3250 Brief of Evidence of Andrew David Carr on behalf of Survus 
3250 Brief of Evidence of James Cameron Mars on behalf of Survus 
3250 Brief of Evidence of Mark Taylor on behalf of Survus 
3250 Brief of Evidence of Steven Roberts on behalf of Survus 
3250 Brief of Evidence of Stuart Ford on behalf of Survus 

Brief of Evidence of Fiona Aston on behalf of Survus

Attachment 1 - DEV-Ox

Attachment 2 - Assessment of Canterbury Regional Policy Statement Objectives and Policies

Attachment 3 – Assessment of Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan

Attachment 4 – Assessment of Objectives and Policies

Attachment 5 – The Council Strategic Spatial Plans

Attachment 6 – S32 RMA Assessment

Attachment 7 – Survus letter Ashley Gorge Rd Submission

Attachment 8 – PWDP Survus Submission

Attachment 9 – Bayleys Letter – Market information

Attachment 10 – Brief of Evidence Pauline Fiona Aston for Survus Ltd & Andrew McAllister

3250 Brief of Evidence of Fran Hobkirk on behalf of Survus

Evidence of Survus - Ecology Assessment Ashley Gorge Rd for Morgan McIntosh


Evidence of Survus - Flood Hazard Assessment Ashley Gorge Road


Evidence of Survus - Natural Hazard Assessment Report


Evidence of Survus - Preliminary Services Design Report


Evidence of Survus - Soil Contamination Risk Preliminary Site Investigation Report


Evidence of Survus - Traffic Assessment

4180 Brief of Evidence of Clement Maloney on behalf of Alistair Cameron
4180 Brief of Evidence of Elliot Edward Duke on behalf of Alistair Cameron
4180 Brief of Evidence of Ian Daniel Lloyd on behalf of Alistair Cameron
4180 Brief of Evidence of Gareth Oddy on behalf of Alistair Cameron

Statement of Evidence of Peter Llyod Glasson

Appendix 1 – Submission of Alistair Cameron

Appendix 2 – Record of Title

Appendix 3 – Location Plan

Appendix 4 – Site Plan

Appendix 5 – Prelim Services Report

Appendix 6 – Flooding Assessment

Appendix 7 – Geotech Report

Appendix 8 – Preliminary Site Investigation

Appendix 9 – Areas North of Ashley

Appendix 10 – Geographical Constraint

Appendix 11 – Scheme Plan Draft 94 Lots

Appendix 12 – Lot Areas Plan

Appendix 13 – Ashley 800m2 v2

Appendix 14 – Land Use Classification Map

Appendix 15 – Section 2.3


Statement of Evidence of Andrew Smith – Geotechnical - on behalf of Andrew Carr

Annexures to Statement of Evidence of Andrew Smith


Statement of Evidence of Antoni Facey – Traffic - on behalf of Andrew Carr

Annexures to Statement of Evidence of Antoni Facey


Statement of Evidence of David Compton-Moen – Landscape and Visual - on behalf of Andrew Carr

Annexures to Statement of Evidence of David Compton-Moen


Statement of Evidence of Neeraj Pratap on behalf of Andrew Carr

Annexures to Statement of Evidence of Neeraj Pratap


Statement of Evidence of Samantha Leeanne Kealey

Annexures to Statement of Samantha Leeanne Kealey


Brief of Evidence of Ivan Thomson on behalf of Andrew J McAllister

Appendix 1a – ODP 1401 Tram Road

Appendix 1b – ODP 1275 Tram Road

Appendix 1c – Block A Concept Plan

Appendix 1d – Block B Concept Plan

Appendix 2a – Narrative Block A

Appendix 2b – Narrative Block B

Appendix 3a – Submission on PDP Summary

Appendix 3b – Submission 250 Survus Consultants

Appendix 4 – Assessment of Proposed Change against the NPS-UD 2020

Appendix 5 – Final Assessment against PWDP

Appendix 6 – Section 32 Evaluation

Appendix 7 – Survus Letter

Appendix 8a – Letter of Support

Appendix 8b – Letter of Support

Appendix 9 – Land Supply and Demand letter

68 Brief of Evidence of Stuart Ford

Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Flood Assessment – Daniel McMullan Block A Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Flood Assessment – Daniel McMullan Block B Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Geotech Report – PDP Block A Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Geotech Report – PDP Block B Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Preliminary Servicing Report – Block A Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Preliminary Servicing Report – Block B Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Site Contamination Assessment – Block A Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Site Contamination Assessment – Block B Swannanoa


Evidence of Andrew J McAllister - Transport Assessment


Statement of Evidence of Victoria Louise Edmonds on behalf of Rainer Hack and Ursula Hack

Appendix A – Indicative Site Masterplan

Appendix B – Outline Development Plan

Appendix C – Geotechnical Desktop Report

Appendix D – NZTA-03 Designation Conditions


Statement of Evidence of James Matthew Phelps Hopkins on behalf of Rainer Hack and Ursula Hack

Memo to Commissioners and Panel of Submissions re. Appendix B of Statement of Evidence of James Matthew Phelps Hopkins, relating to 110 Parsonage Road

8299 Statement of evidence of Chris Thompson (Geotech) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Dave Compton-Moen (Urban Design /
Landscape) on behalf of Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Georgia Brown (Planning) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of James Twiss (Real estate) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Jeremy Trevathan (Acoustics) on behalf
of Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Natalie Hampson (Economics) on behalf
of Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Nicola Peacock (Contaminated land) on
behalf of Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Tim McLeod (Civil Engineer) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Victor Mthamo (Soils) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
8299 Statement of evidence of Wayne Gallot (Transport) on behalf of
Crichton Developments Limited
9409 Statement of Evidence of Andy Carr on behalf of MacRae Land Company

Statement of Evidence of Jeremy Everett Head on behalf of MacRae Land Company

Appendix 2 – Jeremy Head – Landscape Evidence

9409 Statement of Evidence of Terri Anne Winder on behalf of MacRae Land Company

Evidence of Ian McPherson - Geotech - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Aaron Graham - Contamination - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Sharn Hainsworth - Soils - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser

Appendix A – Technical Report – Soils


Evidence of Danash Sookdev - Infrastructure - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of David Smith - Traffic - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Vikramjit Singh – Urban Design - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Fraser Miller - Landscape - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser

Appendix B - Graphic Attachment


Evidence of Fraser Colegrave - Economics - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Stuart Ford – Agricultural Productivity - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of Roland Payne - Ecology - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser


Evidence of David Delagarza – Stormwater - on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser

10224 Supplementary Evidence of Danash Sookdev on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser
10224 Evidence of Mark David Allan on behalf of Mark and Melissa Prosser

Legal submissions on behalf of B & A Stokes

11211 Primary Evidence of Andrew Hall on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Chris Rossiter on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of David John Robotham on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Gary Sellars on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Jonathan Clease on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Matthew Neil Charles Lester on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Natalie Hampson on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Neil James Charters on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Nicole Lauenstein on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Paul Farrelly on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Roland Kahurangi Payne on behalf of B and A Stokes
11211 Primary Evidence of Victor Mthamo on behalf of B and A Stokes
Tabled Evidence 12145 Statement of Evidence of Stephanie Styles for Daiken New Zealand Limited
Last reviewed date: 02 Jul 2024