Hearing Stream 12

The general topics covered within Stream 12 are:

  • Rezoning of land

Submissions on the Proposed District Plan requesting the rezoning of land will be heard in Hearing Stream 12 in 2024.

Rezoning request process and information requirements memo

Submitters are directed to this memo that outlines the Proposed District Plan rezoning request process and information requirements.

Map showing spatial extent of submissions requesting rezoning

Council has prepared a map that shows the indicative spatial extent of submissions seeking rezoning.

Each request has a label which indicates the site’s zoning within the notified Proposed District Plan, and the zoning requested by the submission, along with the submission point number. Labels that include a * show that such a request’s spatial extent is approximate only due to the nature of the submission. These submissions typically did not provide specific addresses or areas, rather they broadly described locations sought to be rezoned.

E.g.,: ‘125.159 RLZ > GRZ*’ – this indicates the submission point number is 125.159, the zoning in the notified Proposed District Plan is Rural Lifestyle Zone, the zoning requested by the submission is General Residential Zone, and the spatial extent of this area on the map is approximate only due to the broad nature of this submission.

Many areas have multiple rezoning requests and this is shown by a darker shade of grey depending on the number of requests that are overlaid.

Some rezone requests were not able to be shown on this map due to their broad, or very refined, nature.

The zone acronyms used on the map are:

  • RESZ – Residential Zones
  • GRZ – General Residential Zone
  • MRZ – Medium Density Residential Zone
  • LLRZ – Large Lot Residential Zone
  • LLRZO - Large Lot Residential Zone Overlay
  • SETZ – Settlement Zone
  • CMUZ – Commercial and Mixed Use Zones
  • LFRZ – Large Format Retail Zone
  • MUZ – Mixed Use Zone
  • LCZ – Local Centre Zone
  • TCZ – Town Centre Zone
  • GIZ – General Industrial Zone
  • RLZ – Rural Lifestyle Zone
  • GRUZ – General Rural Zone
  • SPZ(PR) – Special Purpose Zone Pegasus Resort
  • SPZ(KN) – Special Purpose Zone Kainga Nohoanga
  • SPZ(KR) – Special Purpose Zone – Kaiapoi Regeneration
  • SPZ(PBKR) – Special Purpose Zone - Pines Beach and Kairaki Regeneration
  • OSRZ – Open Space and Recreation Zones
  • NOSZ – Natural Open Space Zone
  • OSZ – Open Space Zone
  • DEV – Development Area
  • DEV-WR – West Rangiora Development Area
  • DEV-K – Kaiapoi Development Area
  • DEV-NER – North East Rangiora Development Area
  • DEV-SER – South East Rangiora Development

Please note that two additional rezone requests were added to this map on 21 March 2024 which relate to submissions 98.1 and 292.1.

Please note that the rezone request from submission 101.1 was corrected on 20 April 2024.

Please note that the rezone request from submission 103.1 was corrected on 20 April 2024.

If you have any queries about this map, please contact the Development Planning Unit at developmentplanning@wmk.govt.nz

Map of submissions seeking rezoning


Background Report

Waimakariri Residential Capacity and Demand Model December 2023
Download PDF File (1.1 MB)

No results were found

Last reviewed date: 31 May 2024