Council would like to take the opportunity to remind submitters that Stream 10 and 10A are separate hearings, heard by a combination of the Proposed District Plan Hearings Panel and Independent Hearings Panel
- Stream 10A comprises of the following topics:
- Airport Noise / Bird Strike (2 x S42A’s)
- Future Development Areas
These topics will be heard by the Independent Hearings Panel. This hearing stream will hear submissions under both the proposed District Plan and the later Housing Intensification variation (known as Variation 1) for the two topics.
The differences in the processes are set out in commissioner Minute 1. Submitters are asked to consider these differences when reviewing the S42A reports and to indicate which hearing they are interested in attending when advising whether they still wish to be heard.
The hearing for Stream 10A will commence at the adjournment of Stream 10.
If your submission has been missed from the list of those wishing to/not be heard (below), please contact the hearing administrator with the submission number and point of your submission or further submission. Click here for a list of submission points, or for further submission points.
As set out in Commissioner Minute 1, submitters who have indicated they wish to be heard have been allocated 15 minutes to present their submission.
Where possible, the hearings administration team will endeavour to cater for submitters time constraints; however, this will not be possible in all circumstances.
Commissioner Minute 1 sets out the hearings protocol and confirms the detail of hearings, how requests for additional time or attendance should be made and a summary of the relevant time frames for the exchange of evidence.
Once the timetable is completed, we will send the timetable to you with the time you have been allocated, location and date. As the hearing panel have indicated, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your allocated time.
- S42A Report: Officer's Report: Wāhanga Waihanga | Development Areas
- S42A Report: Officer’s Report: Christchurch International Airport Ltd -– Airport Noise Contours and Bird Strike
- S42A Report: Officer's Report: Airport Noise Matters
- Questions from the Hearing Panel
- Preliminary Response to Panel Questions: Airport Noise Contours and Bird Strike
- Buddle Finlay Legal Advice [14 February 2024]
- Officer Speaking Notes: Airport Noise Contours and Bird Strike
- Speaking Notes of Rachel McClellan (Ecologist) regarding Bird Strike
- Preliminary Response to Written Questions on Future Urban Development Areas, and the Variation 1 Component of Airport Noise
- Council reply on Wāhanga Waihanga - Future Urban Development Areas, and the Variation 1 component of Airport Noise – on behalf of Waimakariri District Council
- Council reply on Hearing Stream 10A - Christchurch International Airport Ltd - Airport Noise Contours and Bird Strike
- Council Officer’s Final Right of Reply on Wāhanga Waihanga - Future Urban Development Areas, and the Variation 1 component of Airport Noise
- Updated S42A Report: Officer's Report: Airport Noise Matters
- Updated S42A Report: Officer's Report: Wāhanga Waihanga | Development Areas
- Stream 10A Planning Joint Witness Statement - Bird Strike Risk (21 March 2024)
- Stream 10A Ecological Joint Witness Statement - Bird Strike Risk (21 March 2024)
- Stream 10A Acoustic Joint Witness Statement (22 March 2024)
- Stream 10A Planning Joint Witness Statement – Airport Noise Matters and Certification Release of Land in Development Areas (28 March 2024)