Hearing Stream 10A


Council would like to take the opportunity to remind submitters that Stream 10 and 10A are separate hearings, heard by a combination of the Proposed District Plan Hearings Panel and Independent Hearings Panel

  • Stream 10A comprises of the following topics:
    • Airport Noise / Bird Strike (2 x S42A’s)
    • Future Development Areas

These topics will be heard by the Independent Hearings Panel. This hearing stream will hear submissions under both the proposed District Plan and the later Housing Intensification variation (known as Variation 1) for the two topics.

The differences in the processes are set out in commissioner Minute 1. Submitters are asked to consider these differences when reviewing the S42A reports and to indicate which hearing they are interested in attending when advising whether they still wish to be heard.

The hearing for Stream 10A will commence at the adjournment of Stream 10.

If your submission has been missed from the list of those wishing to/not be heard (below), please contact the hearing administrator with the submission number and point of your submission or further submission. Click here for a list of submission points, or for further submission points.

As set out in Commissioner Minute 1, submitters who have indicated they wish to be heard have been allocated 15 minutes to present their submission.

Where possible, the hearings administration team will endeavour to cater for submitters time constraints; however, this will not be possible in all circumstances.

Commissioner Minute 1 sets out the hearings protocol and confirms the detail of hearings, how requests for additional time or attendance should be made and a summary of the relevant time frames for the exchange of evidence.

Once the timetable is completed, we will send the timetable to you with the time you have been allocated, location and date. As the hearing panel have indicated, please arrive 30 minutes prior to your allocated time.

Download PDF File (113.7 KB)

1 49Statement of Evidence of Hannah Ritchie for the New Zealand Pork Industry Board
Tabled Evidence 2207 Statement of Evidence of Stephanie Styles for Summerset Retirement Villages (Rangiora) Limited
V1 55
 Statement of Evidence of Ivan Thomson on behalf of Miranda Hale
444 Statement of Evidence of David Lawry
444 Evidence of David Lawry
444 Investigate Expert Evidence for Plan Change
444 Statement of Evidence of David Lawry
Presented Evidence 444 Christchurch City Council Noise Contour Traffic Forecast Considerations - July 2021
5 47Industry Statement of Sarah Cameron for Horticulture New Zealand
6316 Statement of Evidence of Joanne Mitten on behalf of the Canterbury Regional Council
6316 Legal Submissions on behalf of Canterbury Regional Council
6316 Report to the Minister for the Environment on Proposed Change 1 to Chapter 6 of the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement [dated March 2021]
6316 Appendix 1 – Proposed Change 1 to Chapter 6 of the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement: Council Recommendations [dated March 2021]
6316 Appendix 7- Change 1 to Chapter 6 of the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement: Technical peer review of draft Recommendations Report
Tabled Evidence 7 118Statement of Evidence on behalf of Fulton Hogan Limited
8 104Hearing Statement for the Fuel Companies on Hearing Stream 10A
9 84Stream 10A Evidence 9 Submitter 84 Ohoka Residents Association
9 84Statement of Evidence of Russell Pegler on behalf of the Ohoka Residents Association
10V1 104 Statement of Evidence of Ivan Thomson for Richard and Geoff Spark
Tabled Evidence 11195 Statement of Evidence of Rebecca Eng on behalf of Transpower New Zealand Limited
 Statement of evidence of Jeremy Phillips (Planning) on behalf of Carter Group Limited and Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited
Legal Evidence 12237
 Legal submissions on behalf of Carter Group Limited and
Rolleston Industrial Developments Limited
 Summary of Evidence of Jeremy Phillips (Planning) on behalf of
Carter Group Limited and Rolleston Industrial Developments
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63

Evidence of John-Paul Barrington Clarke on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited

V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63

Evidence of Brian William Putt on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited

V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63

Evidence of Fraser Colgrave on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited

V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63

Evidence of Patricia Harte on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited

V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63

Evidence of William Peter Reeve on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited

V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Legal Submissions on behalf of Momentum Land Limited 
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Legal Submissions on behalf of Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Legal Submissions for Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes NZ Limited
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 1: Judgement of the Court in the Supreme Court of New Zealand: Port Otago Limited v Environmental Defence Society Incorporated
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 2: Decision of the Environment Court: Middle Hill Limited v Auckland Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 3: Decision before the Environment Court: Colonial Vinyard Limited v Marlborough District Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 4: Judgement of the Court in the Supreme Court of New Zealand: Environmental Defence Society Incorporated v The New Zealand King Salmon Company Limited
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 5: Decision before the Environment Court: Bunnings Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 6: Decision on Preliminary Issue of Interpretation in the Environment Court of New Zealand: Auckland Council v Teddy and Friends Limited
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 7: Decision before the Environment Court: B. D. Gargiulo v Christchurch City Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 8: Interim Decision before the Environment Court: Robinsons Bay Trust v Christchurch City Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 9: Decision before the Environment Court: National Investment Trust v Christchurch City Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 10: Decison before the Environment Court: Independent News Auckland Limited v Manukau City Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 11: Interim Decision before the Environment Court: Ardmore Airfield Tenants and Users Committee v Ardmore Airport Limited
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 12: Record of Determination of Appeals and Decision before the Environment Court: Wellington International Airport Limited v Wellington City Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 13: Oral Determination of the Environment Court: D. J. & A. P. Foster v Selwyn District Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 14: Interim Decision before the Environment Court: B. P. Cammack and A. M. R. Evans v Kapiti Coast District Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 15: Judgement of Goddard , J in the High Court of New Zealand: New Zealand Aviation Museum Trust and Marlborough Aero Club Incorporated v Marlborough District Council
Legal Evidence 13173
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Case Law 16: Judgement of the Court in the Court of Appeal of New Zealand: Canterbury Regional Council v Independent Fisheries Limited
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Statement of Evidence of Fraser Colegrave
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Summary of Evidence of John-Paul Clarke
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Greater Christchurch Partnership Media Release: Charting our Course: Greater Christchurch Partnership Commits to Sustainable Growth
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Evidence of Brian William Putt on behalf of Momentum Land Limited
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Summary of Planning Evidence of Patricia Harte on behalf of Momentum Land Limited and Mike Greer Homes Limited
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
Summary of Evidence of William Peter Reeve
V1 13
PDP 332
V1  11
PDP 63
NZ Standard 6805:1992 Airport Noise Management and Land Use Planning [Available to view at the Council Service Centre or to purchase online]
14254 Statement of Evidence of Gary Sellars
14254 Statement of Evidence of Dr Leigh Bull
14254 Statement of Evidence of Laurel Smith
14254 Statement of Evidence of Natalie Hampson
14254 Statement of Evidence of Sebastian Hawken
14254 Statement of evidence of Natalie Hampson in relation to Variation 1 to the proposed Waimakariri District Plan
14254 Statement of Evidence of John Kyle
Legal Evidence 14254 Legal Submissions on behalf of Christchurch International
Airport Limited
14254 Environment Court: Robinsons Bay Trust v  Christchurch City Council
14254 Statement of Evidence of Felicity Hayman
14254 Interim Recommendation by Commissioner David Caldwell
14254 Statement of Rebuttal Evidence of Sarah-Jane Oliver on behalf of Christchurch City Council
14254 Christchurch District Plan: Plan Change 14: Planning Officer's Report of Sarah-Jane Oliver under Section 42A of the Resource Management Act 1991
14254 PDP Hearing 30.1: Rezoning Requests – Rolleston
14254 Summary of Evidence of Dr Leigh Bull (Bird strike)
14254 Summary of Evidence of Gary Sellars (Housing capacity)
14254 Summary of Evidence of John Kyle (Planning)
14254 Summary of Evidence of Laurel Smith (Acoustics)
14254 Summary of Evidence of Sebastian Hawken (Airport
14 254 Summary of Evidence of Natalie Hampson (Economics)
14254 Speaking Notes - Legal - on behalf of Christchurch International Airport Limited
14254 Speaking Notes of Felicity Hayman (Company)
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413

Evidence of Michelle Raewyn Ruske-Anderson on behalf of Bellgrove Rangiora Limited

15V1 79
PDP 408, 413

Evidence of Jason Anthony Trist on behalf of Bellgrove Rangiora Limited

15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Legal Submissions on behalf of Bellgrove Rangiora Limited
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Record of Decision of the Expert Consenting Panel Under Clause 37 Schedule 6 of the FTCA
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Recommendation by Commissioner David Caldwell
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Supreme Court of New Zealand: Port Otago Limited v Environmental Defence Society Incorporated  [24 August 2023]
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Summary Statement of Jason Anthony Trist on behalf of Bellgrove Rangiora Limited
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Summary Statement of Michelle Ruske-Anderson on behalf of Bellgrove Rangiora Limited
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Summary of Submissions for Bellgrove Rangiora Limited
15V1 79
PDP 408, 413
85Requested Evidence regarding Selwyn District Plan Change 69

Statement of Primary Evidence of Brendon Scott Liggett on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities


Statement of Primary Evidence of Jon Robert Styles on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities


Statement of Evidence of Lance Michael Jimmieson on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities


Statement of Primary Evidence of Matthew Armin Lindenberg on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities

Legal Evidence 1680
88Legal Submissions on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities
88Summary Statement of Matthew Armin Lindenberg on behalf of Kāinga Ora | Homes And Communities
17314 Evidence of Carolyn Hamlin
Tabled Evidence 17314 Statement of Evidence of Carolyn Hamlin
Tabled Evidence 18313 Evidence of James Lennox
Legal Evidence 1917990Legal submissions on behalf of Rachel Claire Hobson and Bernard Whimp
Tabled Evidence 20  Evidence of N. Taylor
Last reviewed date: 07 Jun 2024