As a council we have to make important decisions about a broad range of services over a large geographical area. A committee meeting is one of the most effective ways to ensure these decisions are made publicly, fairly and on the basis of good advice.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
This is the new search
Utilities and Roading Committee - 15 April
15 Apr 2025 9:00amLocation
- Council Chambers
Other information
District Planning and Regulation Committee - 15 April
15 Apr 2025 3:30pmLocation
- Council Chambers
Other information
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit & Risk Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on risks, control and compliance framework and its external accountability responsibilities of this department. They oversee activity for our parks, reserves, faciities, public buildings and more.
Committee Members:
Chairperson: Councillor Neville Atkinson
List Members: Councillor Neville Atkinson, Jason Goldsworthy, Councillor Tim Fulton, Councillor Joan Ward, Councillor Paul Williams, Mayor Dan Gordon.
Community and Recreation CommitteeThe Community and Recreation Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on the activities of this department. The committee oversees matters related to parks, reserves, playground, aquatic facilities, public buildings and more. Committee Members:Chairperson: Councillor Philip Redmond. |
District Licencing Committee
Our aim is to make sure that people in the Waimakariri area can enjoy a safe and happy time in our district's alcohol establishments and to make sure everyone is upholding their legislative responsibilities.
The sale, supply and consumption of alcohol should be undertaken safely and responsibly, and the harm caused by the excessive or inappropriate consumption of alcohol should be minimised. The District Licensing Committee believes that the key to achieving the aims of the Act is in the promotion of responsible attitudes of both licensees and the public in achieving a mature approach to liquor consumption.
Committee Members:
The Waimakariri District Licensing Committee (delegated by Council to a subcommittee) is appointed to administer the Council's alcohol licensing framework as determined by the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and the Council’s Local Alcohol Policy.
Chairperson: Councillor Neville Atkinson
List Members: Councillor Philip Redmond, Councillor Paul Williams, Commissioner Jim Gerard
The above re-appointments were made at a Council meeting on 3 September 2024. Appointments are for a five-year period. The Committee is established as required by section 186 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Contact details
If you require further information, or wish to make an enquiry relating to any District Licensing Committee decision, please contact:
District Licensing Committee Secretary
215 High Street
Private Bag 1005
Rangiora 7440
Hearings and Decisions
Hearings and decisions will be published on the Public Notices page as information is available. A list of unopposed application decisions is also available. The website has guides to assist anyone preparing for a District Licensing Committee hearing.
Annual Reports to Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority
These can be found under the Plans, Reports & Strategies page.
District Planning and Regulation CommitteeThis committee covers policy and governance issues associated with district planning and regulation. This includes areas such as dog, building, and district bylaws. It also deals with emergency management issues such as civil defence. Committee Members:Chairperson: Councillor Al Blackie. |
Mahi Tahi Joint Development Committee
The Mahi Tahi Committee is made up of members of Council and Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga. This is a continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Council and rūnanga and provides an opportunity to share governance across topics of mutual interest.
Utilities and Roading CommitteeThe Utilities and Roading Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to Council on the activities of this department. The committee oversees matters related to roads, stormwater and freshwater networks, significant infrastructure projects and more. Committee Members:Chairperson: Councillor Niki Mealings |
Water Zone Committee
The Waimakariri Water Zone Committee is a joint committee of Waimakariri District Council and Environment Canterbury. The zone is within the takiwā of Ngāi Tūāhuriri.
Learn more about the Water Zome Committee at the Environment Canterbury (ECan) website.