Official Information Request

Who  Can Request Information?

Anyone can request information held by the Council under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. The purpose of this Act is 'to make official information held by local authorities more freely available, to provide for proper access by each person to official information relating to that person which is held by local authorities, to provide for the admission of the public to meetings of local authorities, to protect official information held by local authorities and the deliberations of local authorities to the extent consistent with the public interest and the preservation of personal privacy, and to establish procedures for the achievement of those purposes.'

The information requested must be made available, unless there is a good reason under the Act for withholding it. These reasons are set out in sections 6 and 7 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act.

How Do I Make a Request?

You can make your request in person at any of our service centres, by email to, or using our online form below, or by post to Waimakariri District Council, Private Bag 1005, Rangiora 7440.

How Long Will it Take to get a Response?

The Act requires that requests for official information must be answered within 20 working days. There are certain circumstances where an extension might be necessary - you will be advised of this, and the reason for the extension, within the 20 working day time frame.

Is There a Charge for the Information?

There is usually no charge, unless researching the request will involve a considerable amount of staff time, and/or involve a large amount of photocopying. If the Council intends to charge, you will be advised of this before we start researching, and be given an estimate of the cost. You can then decide whether you still want to proceed.

Find out the costs here.

Official Information Request Online Form

Your Details
Your Official Information Request

Last reviewed date: 24 Jan 2025