Rāranga Meka

Fact Sheets

Building Services

Access Around House Building Sites Fact Sheet
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Amendments and Minor Variations to Building Consents
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Building Inspections Fact Sheet
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Building Location Certificate Fact Sheet
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Building on a Rural Site Fact Sheet
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Certificates of Acceptance Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (43.0 KB)
Code Compliance Certificate Fact Sheet
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Converting a Building for Accommodation Fact Sheet
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Cemeteries Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (459.9 KB)
Purchasing a Plot at a Council Cemetery Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (292.5 KB)
Installing a Memorial Headstone at a Council Cemetery Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (384.2 KB)


Have Your Say Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (52.9 KB)
Our Long Term Plan Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (58.0 KB)
Council and the SDGs
Download PDF File (163.7 KB)

Council Services

Official Council Rubbish Bags Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (177.4 KB)

Community & Recreation

Street Tree Planting Programme Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (2.6 MB)
Camping in the Waimakariri District Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (794.5 KB)
Sharing the Cost of a Fence Fact Sheet
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The Waimakariri District Fact Sheet
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Artificial Turf at Kendall Park User Guide
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Dogs & Other Animals

Keeping a Dog Fact Sheet
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Registering Your Dog Fact Sheet
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Mosquitoes Fact Sheet
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Bees and Wasps Fact Sheet
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Rats and Mice Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (177.3 KB)

Environmental Health & Licensing

A Guide to Conduct Items for Hairdressers Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (86.1 KB)
Charity Street Collections Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (415.7 KB)

Resource Consents & Planning

Structure Coverage, Recession Planes, Boundary Setbacks and Structure Heights Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (242.5 KB)
Building Within a Waterway Setback Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (766.2 KB)
Carrying out Earthworks Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (881.5 KB)
Development Contributions Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (432.4 KB)
Heritage Buildings Historic Sites Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (270.1 KB)
Stormwater Surface Runoff onto Another Property Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (452.3 KB)
Subdivision Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (54.7 KB)


Driving in the Waimakariri Fact Sheet
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Keeping Safe on Rural Roads Fact Sheet
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Living on an Unsealed Road Fact Sheet
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Rural Mail Boxes Fact Sheet
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Property & Rates

Paying Your Rates Fact Sheet
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Understanding the Rates Categories Fact Sheet
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Rating Valuations Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (76.2 KB)
Land Information Memorandum (LIM) Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (146.4 KB)
Rural Mail Boxes Fact Sheet
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Neighbourhood Disputes Over Trees and Fences Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (476.6 KB)
Stormwater Surface Runoff onto Another Property Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (452.3 KB)
Rates Grant for SNAs Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (524.6 KB)


Conserving Water Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (473.8 KB)
Fencing and Stock Access Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (347.3 KB)
Maintenance and Biodiversity Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (1.2 MB)
Managing A Private Well Supply Booklet
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Spraying Drains Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (485.2 KB)
Stock Water Races Fact Sheet
Download PDF File (867.6 KB)
Stockwater Races Information Booklet 2022
Download PDF File (5.8 MB)