Resource consents are notified for public comment when the Council considers that the environmental implications of the proposed resource use may be of concern to some members of the public.
A submission is a written statement about a resource consent, which has been notified, either publicly or through the limited notification process.
A submission may support or oppose the proposal, or just express a point of view.
Anyone, either individually or as an organisation, can make a submission on a notified application.
Before making a submission, you should:
- Ensure you understand what the application is about and what the effects are likely to be, by reading all of the information provided with the application
- Talk to the Council or your own professional advisers about your issues and concerns, and how they might be addressed
- If possible, talk to the applicant and discuss your issues and concerns with them. You may be able to reach an agreement without going through the formal submission process.
All submissions must be lodged to the Council using the Notice of Submission to Resource Consent form.
All submissions must be clear, concise and support your views with adequate information. It must relate to issues that arise from the application.
Your submission must be in writing and state:
- The full name, address and telephone number of the person or organisation making the submission
- The name of the applicant and application number
- Whether you support or oppose the application, or if you wish to make a comment only (neutral submission)
- The parts of the application you are concerned about
- Your reasons for making the submission
- The decision you would like the Council to make
- Any conditions you feel should be imposed if the consent is granted
- If you wish to speak in support of your submission at any hearing that may be held.
Notified consents
The Council notifies resource consents:
- in the Resource Management Section of Saturday's The Press
- on the Notified resource consent applications page of our website
- by circulating the application to affected persons
- by a notice displayed on the application site.
Archived notified resource consent applications can be found here.
Lodging a submission
You can post or deliver your submission to the Planning Department at the Rangiora Service Centre, or drop it off at the Oxford or Kaiapoi Service Centres. We must receive your submission on or before the submission closing date stated on the public notice or letter.
Please remember to send a copy of your submission to the applicant at the address given on their public notice or letter.
What happens next?
A hearing is usually held to make a decision on the application. This is not always the case. In some circumstances, if a notified application receives no submissions, the District Plan Manager has the authority to sign off the application, without the hearing process taking place. If unsure on this matter, please talk to the Senior Planning Officer.