Changes to Building Warrant of Fitness annual renewal fees

The Waimakariri District Council has changed the way it recovers costs associated with specified systems.

Our new fee schedule recognises the complexity of the specified systems contained in a building and is largely consistent with the approach by our neighbouring Councils and will result in a fairer cost regime for everyone.

Fees and Charges are as follows:

  • Single backflow $195 – Previously $95. Please note the original fee was insufficient to cover the actual costs, inclusive of an audit every 4 years.
  • The fee for multiple systems is $150 plus $40 for each specified system. As an example - a building with emergency lighting, signs and means of escape would have been $300.00, under the new fees schedule the fee is now $270.00

Please note passive specified system 15 attracts a $40 charge regardless of whether this includes fire and smoke separations so it is a fixed cost.

For clarity:

  • SS14/2 is $40
  • SS15/2, SS15/3, SS15/4 and SS15/5 are aggregated and charged at $40.00.