Off Licence

An off-licence allows the sale and supply of alcohol for consuming elsewhere.

Required Information

New Applications

For new applications please include:

  • A copy of the certificate of incorporation (if applicable)
  • A photograph or artist’s impression of the exterior of the premises or proposed premises
  • A map showing the location of the premises
  • Scale plans of the premises showing:
    • The parts of the premises that are to be used for the sale and supply of alcohol; and
    • The parts of the premises (if any) that are to be designated restricted or supervised areas; and
    • Each main entrance to the premises
  • If the applicant is not the owner of the premises, a written statement from the owner to the effect that they do not have any objection to the issue of a licence
  • A host responsibility policy for the premises
  • For supermarkets and grocery stores: A plan showing the layout of the premises including the arrangement of departments and the perimeter of an alcohol area
  • For grocery stores, particulars of the principal business of the store including evidence and certified accounts showing the percentage of turnover that is derived from the sale of household foodstuffs.

Renewal Applications

For renewal applications please include:

  • A host responsibility policy
  • If changes are sought to the floor layout or designation, scale plans of the premises showing:
    • The parts of the premises that are to be used for the sale and supply of alcohol; and
    • The parts of the premises (if any) that are to be designated restricted or supervised areas; and
    • Each main entrance to the premises.
  • If any changes to the floor plan or hours, a Certificate of Compliance with the Resource Management Act 1991 and Building Act 2004.

Apply for an Off Licence

  • Download and complete the off licence application form
  • Send the completed application, including all the required information and the fee to:The Secretary
    Waimakariri District Licensing Committee
    Private Bag 1005
    Rangiora 7440

Alternatively email your application to and a reference number will be forwarded to you to quote when making payment.

Methods of Payment

Accepted methods of payment are either by cash, eftpos or internet banking. If you want to pay your application fee by internet banking please email your completed application to Council staff will contact you by email with a reference number for payment. Processing of your application will commence once payment has been received.

Public Notices

The Council alcohol licensing team will advertise your public notice on the Council website. To ensure this happens you must email the prescribed form to the Waimakariri District Council at The alcohol licensing team will advise if a charge is applicable and where to find the notice on the website.

There is also a requirement that within 10 working days after lodging the application, a notice is displayed in a conspicuous place, on or adjacent to the site to which the application refers. The site notice is required to be displayed for at least 10 days after the notice was first advertised on our website.

Certificate of Use of Premises

A Certificate of Use of Premises confirms that your premises and the use of your premises do not conflict with the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Building Act 2004.

An application for a Certificate of Use of Premises can be found here.

This must be lodged by you before you apply for your new alcohol licence, or in the case of a renewal if there are any changes to the hours of operations or changes to the building. Refer to the alcohol licensing fees and charges for the prescribed fee for a Certificate of Use of Premises.

Process and Timeline

Once your application has been received with the appropriate fee, a Licensing Inspector will be in contact with you to arrange an interview. Once reports from the Police and Medical Officer of Health are received, a comprehensive report will be prepared by the Licensing Inspector. This will be presented, along with your application and associated documentation, to the District Licensing Committee. Council staff will then advise you of the outcome of your application. In general, for straightforward applications, this process takes approximately 4-6 weeks.

One of the most common causes where delays are experienced, are applications where all the required documentation has not been included. Please ensure all required documentation is submitted with your application.

Criteria for Issue of Licence

In determining any application, the District Licensing Committee will consider the following criteria:

  • The object of the Act
  • The suitability of the applicant
  • Any relevant local alcohol policy criteria pdf
  • The days and hours of sale
  • The design and layout of the premises
  • The sale of goods other than alcohol and refreshments
  • The provision of other services not related to the sale of alcohol and refreshments
  • Whether amenity and good order of the area would be substantially reduced
  • The undesirability of further licences where amenity and good order have been reduced
  • Whether the applicant has systems, staff and training to comply with the Act
  • Any matters reported by the Police, an inspector or Medical Officer of Health.
Last reviewed date: 11 Feb 2025