Pūrongo Hapori

Community Information

Chatter - Monthly Newsletter

Chatter is a free monthly newsletter produced by the Community Team.

Chatter is written for the community and not-for-profit sector in the Waimakariri District. Its purpose is to support information sharing across the district and with other partners in government agencies. Chatter Newsletter is aimed at promoting events, opportunities and initiatives that will engage, connect, inform and empower local residents.

Chatter is available either electronically or in hard copy. Email chatter@wmk.govt.nz if you would like to be on our email list to let you know when the latest Chatter is on the website.

Advertisers in Chatter must be:

  • not for profit
  • not exclusive in nature
  • non-political
  • transparent
  • inclusive of all people, regardless of race, gender, religious or political persuasion.

While we make every attempt to include your advertisement, sometimes, space will limit our ability to do so. Prioritisation will be given to:

  • local initiatives/services/events
  • initiatives/services/events occurring during the month of publication
  • initiatives/services/events that reach broadest community reach and/or benefit.

The editor reserves the right to decline content, where it contravenes any of the above or is not in line with Waimakariri District Council media guidelines.

The closing date for submitting content is around the 20th of each month. Please note that Chatter is not published in January.

Listed below are a few guidelines for contributions:

  • Ensure your files are no larger than 500 kB
  • Please have your documents and images in print-ready formats, for example PDF or JPG
  • Save your documents and images in portrait, rather than landscape, and A4 size or smaller
  • If you are sending a Word document that is all laid out as you would like it to appear, please use a size 12 font, as anything smaller gets hard to read once the printed magazine is reduced to A5 size
  • Please submit your contribution to the Community Team, email chatter@wmk.govt.nz

Next Steps  Social and Community Service Website

The Next Steps website will link you in to contact details and general information about a range of services and supports operating in the Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts, including foodbanks, recreation, mental and physical health services, employment support, counselling and budgeting services. It also includes a range of online information resources.

Visit  www.nextsteps.org.nz

General Information & Resources

The Council's Community Team produces a number of useful publications, including the Getting Advice Shows Strength booklet and the volunteer directory.

There are options for transport to health related appointments in Christchurch for anyone who is unable to drive to a medical appointment. Read the transport pamphlet for more information (pdf, 703.6 KB).

New to the Waimakariri?

As part of the intentional approach to welcoming new residents to the district, we have supported the production of Welcome Bags. These are decorated by local school children and Idea Services clients, then distributed via real estate agents, preschools, community associations and at  libraries and service centres. Anyone with an interest in supporting the Bags can contact Martin at martin.pugh@wmk.govt.nz

Community Events Trailer

To book the Community Trailer please  email: community@wmk.govt.nz -  and let us know what date and event you wish to book for. If the trailer is available, we will let you know by email and ask you to complete the following:

  • Fill out the hire agreement.
  • Read the inventory and gear checklist.
  • Pay a $50 cash bond to Kennards Hire on trailer collection, which is returned to you when the trailer is returned.

Please note the trailer is only collectable during the operating hours of Kennards Hire Rangiora and for events within the Waimakariri District.

View the trailer's inventory.

Last reviewed date: 27 Feb 2025