The Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) is a nationwide network of New Zealand’s Mayors and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) working together towards the vision of all young people under 25 being engaged in education, training, work, or other positive activity in their communities.
Find more information about the nationwide network here.
MTFJ’s Community Employment Programme in Waimakariri District
MTFJ has partnered with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and developed the Community Employment Programme. This provides funding to rural councils (including Waimakariri District Council) with a national aim to get 1,150 young people engaged in a sustainable employment pathway.
The focus is rural, as young people in rural New Zealand often face extra challenges when trying to join the workforce. These challenges include a lack of access to skill development pathways, driver licensing and testing facilities and a lack of access to employers.
The partnership is targeted toward supporting young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET). We can also support job seekers of any age living with a health condition or disability, along with job seekers of any age with other needs and have had difficulty finding work.
The aim of the role is to increase collaboration and add value across the work readiness sector; whilst addressing barriers and misconceptions that limit the ability for local youth to access sustainable employment. Key to this will be promoting the significant value that young people can add to the local workforce.
How the programme works – Job Seekers
Our facilitator will work with individuals to create a specific plan to support their goals and aspirations for the future. Our facilitator will work with each individual to help make their goals become reality.
Through MTFJ we can support progress with driver licencing, allocate wage subsidies, money for tools, training and access to free counselling services. Each job seeker’s situation is unique, so we use a tailored approach to suit each situation. More information here
Funding for business
The funding is flexible, which means that a specific, local-based approach is used when supporting job seekers into work.
The Council through MTFJ can provide a wage subsidy for the employer to take on a young person, cover the costs of training (including driver licensing), tool/boot subsidies and other incentives.
All councils are working closely with the Ministry of Social Development, to ensure that there is no duplication of services or resources. Find out more here
Contact us
If you or someone you know wants to know more about MTFJ here in Waimakariri please reach out:
Lyn Blair
MTFJ Facilitator
Phone: 0800 965 468 | Mobile: 027 249 7284