Waimakariri Public Arts Trust

The creativity of art and artistic events are inextricably linked to individual and community wellbeing. The Waimakariri Public Arts Trust (WPAT) is a charitable trust overseen by the Waimakariri District Council. The trust develops public arts projects in the Waimakariri District through raising funds to commission artworks.

About the Trust

Artworks are commonly used in public outdoor spaces as a way to enhance the environment, reinforce the cultural and community identity and promote towns and cities. They showcase creativity and innovation. They can inspire, provoke and challenge the way we engage with them.

The purposes of the Waimakariri Public Arts Trust (WPAT) are to promote art and culture in the Waimakariri District, encourage public art in new developments and redevelopments, raise funds to enable the commission of art works, educate the public about art and artists, and support arts projects and events in the community.

As a charitable trust, donations and fund raising are essential to what they do. Trustees work hard to source independent funding through donations and by submitting applications to funding agencies.

Follow the Waimakariri Public Arts Trust on Facebook for all the latest updates, upcoming events and projects as well as ways you can get involved..

Who do WPAT work with?

Tangata whenua – the Trust recognise the views and expectations of tangata whenua in achieving its purposes
Board members – Trustees have been carefully appointed based on their knowledge and experience in the public art space. They selflessly volunteer their time working hard behind the scenes. Together they make recommendations to achieve the purposes outlined above
Artists – the Trust works with a range of artists from different backgrounds through commissioning artworks, supporting art endeavours and events throughout the District
Donors – Waimakariri Public Arts Trust cannot create a vibrant District on their own. Donations are an important way in which artworks are commissioned
Waimakariri District Council – is a stakeholder but WPAT operate independently from Council.

Become A Supporter

The Waimakariri Arts Trust has been established to commission art works and promote the arts. Become part of the legacy as a supporter through a donation or sponsorship. Any and all donations are gratefully received. Find out more about sponsorship packages and making a donation below.

Meet the Board

Meet the dedicated volunteers who make up the Board of Trustees.

Waimakariri Public Arts Trust Board Members

The Waimakariri Public Arts Trust is made up of local and respected board members who selflessly volunteer their time:

Wilson Henderson - Chair
President – Creative Fibre NZ, Former Chair Arts Canterbury, Artist

Jackie Watson - Deputy Chair
Waimakariri Arts Trust Chair, Community Board Chair, Coordinator of Art On The Quay

Judith Hoult    
Education Officer Schools (retired), Christchurch Art Gallery volunteer guide

Dael Foy          
DipF.A., Dip Tchg, Dip Floristry, Artist

Nicole Weber  
Business owner

The Board of Trustees are happy to answer any questions, queries and receive your feedback.
Email: admin@waimakpublicarts.org.nz

Please contact the Board if you are interested in sponsorship options or donations.

Letterbox Sculpture

The letterbox sculpture by Kaiapoi artist Mark Larsen was commissioned by All Together Kaiapoi (formerly You Me We Us Kaiapoi) to commemorate the loss of around 1,000 homes post quake and the streets forever lost. Members of YMWU Kaiapoi collected the letterboxes from the red zone with permission from the government. Click image to expand.

The Ruataniwha Water Feature

The Ruataniwha Water Feature was donated by the Margaret Blackwell Trust in 2016.

Kaiapoi Obelisks and Crane

The Kaiapoi Obelisks were built in 2009, commissioned by Waimakariri Community Arts Council, the same body that manages both Art on the Quay in the Kaiapoi library and the Chamber Gallery in Rangiora library.

At the western end of the Kaiapoi River, stand two obelisks on opposite riverbanks. They are by mother and son artists from Rangiora. Ceramic artist, Margaret Reilly’s, commemorates the mill workers, like her father, who travelled from far and wide to work at the Kaiapoi Woollen Mills and is sited on the western bank. Her son, sculptor Michael Michaels, shows the salmon caught in the Kaiapoi River and is on the opposite side of the river at the corner of the walkway where Smith Street meets Charles Street.

The 2010 quakes resulted in the removal of the two on the eastern side of the town while repairs were made to the land and were reinstated in 2020 in time for the ten year anniversary of the quake.

The obelisk on the northern bank is crafted by ceramic artist Susan Sky and invites walkers to follow the path. The metal sculpture of a swooping bird by sculptor Ian Lamont sits atop.

Across the river stands the final one on the south bank further to the east and can be found by walking the south stop bank in an easterly direction from the town.

Woodend artists Rachel Harre and Frank Malone created the four panels on the sides depicting historic episodes from Kaiapoi’s past and a copy in metal of the crest of the Kaiapoi Borough Council is fixed to the top. The freezing works, woollen mills, wharf and Kaiapoi pa are all captured in clay in the original style of Harre as artist and Malone, ceramicist.

Mark Larsen created the metal frame and crest.

A crane that represents the time Kaiapoi was a thriving port was reinstalled not far from the Susan Sky obelisk and was originally commissioned by the Kaiapoi Community Board of the time, designed and constructed by Dean Johnston’s JBFX.

The Arts Council team of Miranda Hales, Margaret Martin and Jenny Stone was led by Jackie Watson, a current Community Board member. All four raised funds for the project and worked with the artists on site to realise its completion.

Creative Communities, Mitre 10 McAlpines Ltd and the Kaiapoi Community Board contributed to the Sky/Lamont obelisk while Chris Marshall of Bridgewater in Ohoka was the sponsor for the Harre/Malone obelisk. Each obelisk contains a time capsule from 2009.

Last reviewed date: 12 Mar 2025